Balc. L50°
5.0 (1 vote)
DVDylan ID: D2008.mu2
Recording type: Audience
City/Venue: Cardiff, Wales, UK/Cardiff International Arena
Date: Monday, 6th May 2002
Concert #1425 of The Never-Ending Tour
Bob Dylan (vocals, electric & acoustic guitars, harp)
Charlie Sexton (backup vocals, electric & acoustic guitars)
Larry Campbell (backup vocals, electric & acoustic guitars, cittern, mandolin, pedal steel guitar & electric slide guitar)
Tony Garnier (bass, acoustic bass & standup bass)
Jim Keltner (drums & percussion)

Filmed by “THE TWO DAVES” & “THE GHOST” & “AN”
Transferred & disseminated by COOPS2009
Audio recorded by NTE
Audio shared by OUTSIDETLAW
Edited, sound upgraded & authored by YASSOU

There is an alternate edition of DVD-2 that uses an animated clip of the end credits to replace the still shots used in the original edition. See the last screenshot for the title menu.

ArtWork courtesy of Alias1976:
  • DVD 1 (52:56:12) (songs 1-8/tracks 1-10)
    -Opening Titles [titles over 25:19 still]
    -Introduction [over 5:18 still]
    -Hummingbird [clipped 28:09/2 stills; trans. to next song off-trgt/used 15:09 MS-102]
    -The Times They Are A-Changin' [start off-target/used 9:03 MS-102]
    -It's Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding) [start off-target/used 6:12 MS-102 still; audio cut 2:10 before next song/video cut to match]
    -It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [audio cut 1:12 before next song/video cut to match; trans. to next song off-target/9:23 still]
    -Solid Rock [off-target start/10:15 still; audio cut 2:05 before next song/video cut to match; trans. to next song off-target/8:07 MS-102 still]
    -Positively 4th Street [off-target start/22:07 MS-102 still; slight cut before end/used 2:16 MS-102; audio cut 2:18 before next song/video cut to match; trans. to next song off-target/17:20 still]
    -Lonesome Day Blues [start off-target & un-focused/used 1:20:23 MS-102; end obstr./used 12:16 MS-102; trans. to next song off-target & un-focused/used 15:21 MS-102 still]
    -Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again [MS-181 unusable fragment/used 11:03 MS-102 still & MS-102 footage for remainder; end Disc 1 message over MS-102]
  • DVD 2 (1:30:55:05) (songs 9-21/tracks 11-26)
    -Opening Titles [fade in to titles over MS-102]
    -Masters Of War [cont. 42:11 MS-102 to replace o-t/o-f NS-181; audio cut 3:16 before next song/video cut to match]
    -Visions Of Johanna [used 9:18 MS-102 for obstr . @11:00:00 CD split before next song; audio cut 2:13 before next song/video cut to match; trans. to next song obstr./8:00 still]
    -Tangled Up In Blue [start obstr. & o-t/used 18:12 MS-102; audio cut 9:06 before next song/video cut to match]
    -Moonlight [audio cut 4:14 before next song/video cut to match]
    -Summer Days [audio cut 10:05 before next song/video cut to match]
    -The Wicked Messenger [audio cut 5:20 before next song/video cut to match]
    -Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 [audio editor cut transition and break before encore/extracted 1:10:13 audio from video soundtrack to cover video footage; cut 1:27:17 of break before encore]
    -Band Introductions [during “Rainy Day Women #12 & 35” @48:18:11/used MS-102 to show all players]
    -Things Have Changed
    -Like A Rolling Stone [footage of 1:20 start only/used MS-102; MS-023 used for 7:19 o-t @58:24:08; o-t 9:14 @1:03:54:22/used/]
    -Knockin' On Heaven's Door [o-t start/used 11:15 MS-102; end cut/6:14 still; audio cut 17:00 before next song/cut video to match/13:18 MS-102 still & 8:04 MS-102 clip added for obstr. trans.]
    -Honest With Me [slight clip/2:04 still; audio cut 33:02 before next song/cut video to match and added 6:14 still]
    -Blowin' In The Wind [obstr. & unfocused start/8:13 still; audio cut before final song/extracted 52:10 audio from video soundtrack; added 14:18 still and 14:05 reverse clip before bows; cut 2:03:07 of break before final song/11:21 MS-102 still added for obstr. trans to next song]
    -All Along The Watchtower [off-target & obstr. start/used 29:05 MS-102]
    -End Thanks & Credits [thanks/credits/salute fadeout over repeat stills of Dylan blowing kisses]
» Toggle additional (technical) track info
Number of discs: 2
Running time: 02:23:52
Video standard: PAL
Authoring: DVDs with menu and chapters are circulating
5-point scale: 4-5/5+/5-/4+/5-
15-point scale: 11-14/15/13/12/13 (avg. 13.25 (A-)

Filmed by "The Two Daves"
Transferred & disseminated by Coops2009
D7 A7 S7 H7 F8 BL5 132 mins
VIDEO : Mpeg-2, 720 x 576. 25 fps, pic ratio 4.3. PAL
AUDIO : AC3 Dolby Digital, 48000 Hz, stereo 38.4 kb/s
EC30 tapes transferred to PC via a Panasonic NV-W1 Professional triple standard vhs machine.
Files authored to DVD with Tempgenc DVD Works Author 4
vob files > hd > MPEG Streamclip 1.9.2 > dv > iMovie 6.0.3

Filmed by “The Ghost”
Transferred & disseminated by Coops2009
D7 A8 S7 H7 F8 BL5 26:00
VOB Format
MPEG-2 Sys Bitrate 10080 kb/s VBR
Pics/s 25.000 Fram,es's 25.000 Fields/s 50,000
DVD Pal format 4.3 ratio
Audio AC3 stereo 48 Khz
filmed on a Panasonic a NV-DS1, transferred in HQ mode to Sony DVDrecorder. Using a high gain dv firewire
Original camera used for transfer
menued with TEMPGENC Dvd author 4.3
vob files > hd > MPEG Streamclip 1.9.2 > dv > iMovie 6.0.3

Filmed by “AN”
Transferred & disseminated by Coops2009
D9 A8 S8 H8 F8 I BL6 140 mins
DVD VOB Fornmat
Sys bitrate 10080 kb/s VBR
Audio AC3 stereo
Pics 25.000 Frames/s 25.000 Fields/s 50.000 pic 720 x 576 ratio 4.3 PA
Filmed on a Canon digital camcorder (unknown model)
Transferred to hard drive using a Sony Hi 8 TR720E
Menu created with TEMPGENC DVD AUTHOR 4.3
vob files > hd > MPEG Streamclip 1.9.2 > dv > iMovie 6.0.3

another fine (and long) show on the tour, probably not quite as well filmed as Manchester was but little it. So,,,
Remember even if you have some of the Daves films already that at best your copies will be 2 generations poorer than anything in the Masters series, so get em all.
These will be with original sound though many will feature as sound upgrades eventually with my two mates Yassou and Madhasse helping out.

This is the last part of stage one of my Masters Series these are those of my retired friend but others will follow. It will be a long series if we do them all. This is the last of his DV tapes. A gap will follow as I sort out the S-vhs tapes, won't be long!
A rather short film due to more zealous security.
All will be HQ mode so apologies that this creates extra discs but I am determined to preserve the quality as far as possible.
Finally a word of thanks is owed to my generous friend for supplying them and my other very helpful friends who have aided in locating cameras and things and now left thereby making all the work (and tapes!) possible. Well I don't sleep a lot anyways !!
I've been a Bob collector a very long time and many of my trading buddies have gone on to be real friends. If your a later "net collector" try an get to know those anonymous people you contact, we all get older an one day you suddenly realize that. Many of my taping buddies have gone on to be real friends. Don't remain totally anonymous, we all need friends. I still try, though it ain't easy. Hi George ! Hi Peter! an my retired mate? Well no doubt I will see him at the coming October shows, an we'll share a pint (I doubt he has given THAT up!)

Well another first for me, my first triple DVD set, and this video is missing 2 songs also! another example of how sometimes you luck is all you need, The taper had filmed at this venue before but was unaware there was a balcony. He'd got a seat in the second row near the stage so was hopeful. Then when he got there it turns out this is a 3 row balcony only!! added to which security kept coming, in, probably to make sure that in a paroxysm of ecstasy we weren't throwing ourselves over the balcony. Looked bad, then he noticed the guy almost in front of him was a mate! Lets call him Paul, the nice man offered our taper a front row seat, not his, but his sons!! So to the front row, There is a rail on the balcony wall so the taper leant on the rail and leaned over his camera. I cannot imagine why it worked but it did. We get a VERY close film of the show.
Amazing stuff.

LB rating: A
Taper: NTE
Shared by OutsideTLaw via trade
Low-gen audio disks > (dBpowerAMP set to compression level 6) drop d1t1 0:09l drop/cut between cdrs
CDs > hd > Toast Titanium 11.0.4 > aiff > SD II disk images > iMovie 6.0.3

this is a close eac match to LB-0262 on d1t3; in 3-way comparison these are different recordings based on having different crowd at end of d1t3 with this being the warmest most natural sound making LB-0270 sound harsh and hollow and cc LB-0844 sound harsh

Audio and video assets edited in iMovie 6.0.3; authored, multiplexed and burned to VIDEO_TS folder in iDVD 7.1.2 (Professional Quality 2-pass variable bit rate encoding)

11-14/15/13/12/13 (avg. 13.25 (A-)
Left balcony 50˙

-filled off-target parts & cuts with clips from alternate video sources
-filled band intros with clips from an alternate video source that captures each
-different title & track menus

-great, varied setlist
-Campbell’s infectious smile graces many songs
-excellent train-whistle vocal back-ups by Sexton & Cambell “Hummingbird” augmented
by Campbell’s country electric guitar picking
-drum beat by Recile on “It's Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)”
-“Solid Rock” solid, indeed
-sinewy “Lonesome Day Blues”
-“Visions Of Johanna” delivered beautifully with fine acoustic picking by Campbell
-Sexton skillfully picks on ”Moonlight”
-closeups on “Summer Days” showcase Sexton’s and Campbell’s guitar techniques not to
mention Dylan’s often underrated playing
-terrific harp on several songs, especially on “The Wicked Messenger”
-crowd claps along to “Like A Rolling Stone” while Sexton (Campbell?) picks out
melody of “It’s Raining, It’s Pouring”
-Campbell’s slide electric guitar a clinicon “Honest With Me” while Dylan’s delivery
sounds like he really could create a new imperial empire
-inspirational back-up vocals by Campbell & Sexton on “Knockin' On Heaven's Door”
& “Blowin’ In The Wind”

DASH-F RATING FOR MS-181.msu (for ratings of other films, see “Video Sources” below)
DISTANCE/POSITION: 11-14 (left balcony 50˙) filmer had to avoid both the rail and a body on the left, so zoom used to frame Dylan, Sexton & Campbell with little room for panning; Garnier occasionally seen and Recile not seen at all except during bows before encores

AUDIO: 15 (excellent NTE recording, LB-5251; audio had applause cuts between songs and encores that had to be matched by video cuts)

STEADINESS: 13 (filmer generally kept a steady hand)

HEADS/OBSTRUCTIONS: 12 (body on left intruded and the rail had to be zoomed through; cables in picture bot not distracting)

FOCUS: 13 (excellent color and good light; focus sharp for the most part)

EDITING: filled cuts with stills and video clops; audio cuts had to matched by video cuts before several songs; extracted audio from video soundtrack to fill some audio cuts on the upgrade audio (see setlist details)

Concert #1425 of The Never-Ending Tour
Bob Dylan (vocals, electric & acoustic guitars, harp)
Charlie Sexton (backup vocals, electric & acoustic guitars)
Larry Campbell (backup vocals, electric & acoustic guitars, cittern, mandolin, pedal steel guitar & electric slide guitar)
Tony Garnier (bass, acoustic bass & standup bass)
Jim Keltner (drums & percussion)

Filmed by “THE TWO DAVES” & “THE GHOST” & “AN”
Transferred & disseminated by COOPS2009
Audio recorded by NTE
Audio shared by OUTSIDETLAW
Edited, sound upgraded & authored by YASSOU

MS-181/D2008 (primary source/used unless otherwise noted)
Filmed by “The Two Daves”
Transferred & disseminated by Coops2009
D7 A7 S7 H7 F8 BL5 132 mins
VIDEO : Mpeg-2, 720 x 576. 25 fps, pic ratio 4.3. PAL
AUDIO : AC3 Dolby Digital, 48000 Hz, stereo 38.4 kb/s
EC30 tapes transferred to PC via a Panasonic NV-W1 Professional triple standard vhs machine.
Files authored to DVD with Tempgenc DVD Works Author 4
vob files > hd > MPEG Streamclip 1.9.2 > dv > iMovie 6.0.3

Filmed by “The Ghost”
Transferred & disseminated by Coops2009
D7 A8 S7 H7 F8 BL5 26:00
VOB Format
MPEG-2 Sys Bitrate 10080 kb/s VBR
Pics/s 25.000 Fram,es's 25.000 Fields/s 50,000
DVD Pal format 4.3 ratio
Audio AC3 stereo 48 Khz
filmed on a Panasonic a NV-DS1,
transferred in HQ mode to Sony DVDrecorder. Using a high gain dv firewire
Original camera used for transfer
menued with TEMPGENC Dvd author 4.3
vob files > hd > MPEG Streamclip 1.9.2 > dv > iMovie 6.0.3

Filmed by “AN”
Transferred & disseminated by Coops2009
D9 A8 S8 H8 F8 I BL6 140 mins
DVD VOB Fornmat
Sys bitrate 10080 kb/s VBR
Audio AC3 stereo
Pics 25.000 Frames/s 25.000 Fields/s 50.000 pic 720 x 576 ratio 4.3 PA
Filmed on a Canon digital camcorder (unknown model)
Transferred to hard drive using a Sony Hi 8 TR720E
Menu created with TEMPGENC DVD AUTHOR 4.3
vob files > hd > MPEG Streamclip 1.9.2 > dv > iMovie 6.0.3

another fine (and long) show on the tour, probably not quite as well filmed as
Manchester was but little it. So,,,
Remember even if you have some of the Daves films already that at best your copies will be 2 generations poorer than anything in the Masters series, so get em all.
These will be with original sound though many will feature as sound upgrades eventually with my two mates Yassou and Madhasse helping out.

This is the last part of stage one of my Masters Series these are those of my retired friend but others will follow. It will be a long series if we do them all. This is the last of his DV tapes. A gap will follow as I sort out the S-vhs tapes, won't be long!

A rather short film due to more zealous security.

All will be HQ mode so apologies that this creates extra discs but I am determined to preserve the quality as far as possible.

Finally a word of thanks is owed to my generous friend for supplying them and my other very helpful friends who have aided in locating cameras and things and now left thereby making all the work (and tapes!) possible. Well I don't sleep a lot anyways !!

I've been a Bob collector a very long time and many of my trading buddies have gone on to be real friends. If your a later "net collector" try an get to know those anonymous people you contact, we all get older an one day you suddenly realize that. Many of my taping buddies have gone on to be real friends. Don't remain totally anonymous, we all need friends. I still try, though it ain't easy. Hi George ! Hi Peter! an my retired mate? Well no doubt I will see him at the coming October shows, an we'll share a pint (I doubt he has given THAT up!)

Well another first for me, my first triple DVD set, and this video
is missing 2 songs also! another example of how sometimes you luck
is all you need, The taper had filmed at this venue before
but was unaware there was a balcony. He'd got a seat in the second
row near the stage so was hopeful. Then when he got there it turns
out this is a 3 row balcony only!! added to which security kept coming,
in, probably to make sure that in a paroxysm of ecstasy we weren't
throwing ourselves over the balcony. Looked bad, then he noticed the
guy almost in front of him was a mate! Lets call him Paul, the
nice man offered our taper a front row seat, not his, but his sons!!
So to the front row, There is a rail on the balcony wall so the taper
leant on the rail and leaned over his camera. I cannot imagine
why it worked but it did. We get a VERY close film of the show.
Amazing stuff.

LB rating: A
Taper: NTE
Shared by OutsideTLaw via trade
Low-gen audio disks > (dBpowerAMP set to compression level 6)
drop d1t1 0:09l drop/cut between cdrs
CDs > hd > Toast Titanium 11.0.4 > aiff > SD II disk images > iMovie 6.0.3

this is a close eac match to LB-0262 on d1t3; in 3-way comparison these are different recordings based on having different crowd at end of d1t3 with this being the warmest most natural sound making LB-0270 sound harsh and hollow and cc LB-0844 sound harsh

Audio and video assets edited in iMovie 6.0.3; authored, multiplexed and burned to VIDEO_TS folder in iDVD 7.1.2 (Professional Quality 2-pass variable bit rate encoding)

Reviewed by yassou on 24th May 2016