DVDylan ID: D921
Recording type: Audience
City/Venue: Olympic Gymnastics Arena, Seoul, South Korea
Date: Wednesday, 31st March 2010

A very fine production. Both sources are very nice. Great video editing, smooth transitions between plus interesting stills from the venue in between songs. A few shakey moments are few and far between. The longer view of the two video sources cuts the band out around the knees due to a rail. Audio is very good.

Silver Stallion has a fine reputation among trading communities and we Bob fans are lucky that he pointed his recorders at this show.

Basically as good as it gets, a top quality fan made project.

Your mileage may vary when it comes to the quality of the Modern Bob concert, but if you like Modern Bob this will be a treasure to you.

Reviewed by jman on 11th December 2010