DVDylan ID: D494.su
Recording type: Audience
City/Venue: Midland Theater, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Date: Friday, 1st November 1991

While there have been no reviews or ratings on the un-upgraded D494, it looks and sounds to be a '2' to my eyes and ears. The ratings consensus thus far on D494.su is that it's a '3'. I'd go higher based on the sound improvement alone, the source (LB-4707) of which is judged as having very good to excellent sound [B+/A-].

So, I give this DVD a '4' based on the sound improvement and the sheer fact that high quality recordings prior to 1994 are not only hard to come by but tricky to edit.

Regarding the performance, I found it to be quite good, but I leave final judgment on that score to the subjective opinion of those who have read all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's books.

Reviewed by yassou on 14th February 2011