DVDylan ID: | D210.su |
Recording type: | Audience |
City/Venue: | Hammersmith Apollo, London, UK |
Date: | Friday, 12th February 1993 |

I've a dodgy scart connection on the back of my TV. Scart-leads just don't take well to being taken in and out,- not that I do, but the kids ???. After ruining their own TVs with plugging the Playstaion in/out they moved through to my set. Told not to, warned against, threatened, all to no avail, (they've never paid me any heed these last 20+ years anyway so why should this be different ?). Now I'll have to attack the innards of the set with a soldering-iron, for every time I try and play a DVD I've to fiddle with the Scart-lead 'till I can get some 'Blue' onto the screen, (and sound and stereo....)
Now all of you who watch this DVD can see just what I've to put up with, (empathise even), for without Blue the Reds just take over, or everthing turns various shades of Green. Early '90's Video technology wasn't just that great, nae bad outside, but inside with low light levels ? There's no subtleties, if it's dark it comes out black, and with the 'Low-Light' settings on the cameras, all colours are enhanced way beyond normal.
So it is with this DVD, all Black except where the spots are aimed, and there it's all strong Reds/Blues/Greens. No shades it's all-or-nothing.
Now that we have the Sound-Upgrade, lets have a Picture-Colour-Downgrade. Save twiddling with the colour/contrast knobs on the TV everytime we try and watch this.
Anyway, once you've donned your dark glasses, what do you see ? It starts off bad, very bad. Cameraman and/or camera bouncing about all over the place, but it's worth persevering, leave it playing, make a cup of coffee, for when you come back you'll find that the picture has settled down, the taper's got a fine view of the stage and although there's still the odd 'shakey' moment, by and large it's very watchable. You don't get to see much of the rest of the band as he mostly concentrates on Bob, and thankfully only a couple of times focus' right in on his face, for the camera can't take it. Like every time Capt. Kirk set eyes on that weeks 'love-interest' the camera goes slightly out of focus, (she's so beautifull that we've got to fit a screen between her and the lens... but of course she'd either be transfered away for good or die horribly - such is the way-of-life in Star Fleet).
Nothing wrong with the sound, and the up-grade matches fine, so no complaints there. Just a pity that it's only another bog-standard Bob performance. He seems happy enough, just nothing stands out, no track that makes you want to hit the 'back' button.
Rating ? I'd give it a solid three & a half, but as there's no 'half' option, I'll go up to 4. You won't be disappointed.
Just remember when you've finished watching this, return all the colour/contrast settings back to where they were, (and you did note them down of course ?) it'll save all the cries of "The TV's broken", or worse - the kids getting into the controls to do it themselves.
Reviewed by napbon on 16th May 2007