DVDylan ID: D200.msu
Recording type: Audience
City/Venue: Boston, Massachusetts/Fleet Center
Date: Saturday, 16th November 2002

watching bob preform neal young's "old man" was worth the price of admission. way cool

Reviewed by kiddylan on 11th August 2011

The review for D200.m gives information I don't need to repeat here. This sound upgrade benefits by the excellent Unwanted Man (LB-2948) audio and the help of HungerCity's blindwilly, who shared it on short notice. Clips, cuts and missing songs have been repaired/replaced with stills and, in one case, a movie clip.

Not mentioned in the D200.m review were two sarcastic remarks by Dylan. Check out the beginnings of "Mutineer" and the "Band Introductions" for a challenge to Dave Mathews and to pop music critics.

Here's a shout out to jman, who was in the crowd that night, and whose presence no doubt spurred Dylan to the vocal heights he reached.

Reviewed by yassou on 08th August 2011